College of Law

Reading Hobby Lobby narrowly


By Leslie Francis reprinted from HealthLawProf Blog   I write this post with more than a little trepidation; I’m as unhappy as anyone about what the Court […]

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PCAST, Big Data, and Privacy


By Leslie Francis reprinted from HealthLawProf Blog The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has issued a report intended to be a technological […]

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There. I Said It.


by Lucy Moore for EDR I recently posted on the Island Press blog (Field Notes) a rant about Cliven Bundy and the Nevada dust-up over […]

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The Delay of ICD-10


by Leslie Francis, reprinted from HealthLawProf Blog As part of the “Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014,” Congress provided that DHHS may not set ICD-10 as […]

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