Student government and organizations serve an important function in the law school experience. These opportunities complement S.J. Quinney College of Law’s education with academic, professional, social, and career development opportunities. The College of Law’s student organizations provide a wide variety of purpose, and new student groups are always being formed to meet the changing needs of the student body. The University as a whole has a wide variety of Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) law students are welcome to join.
Interested in starting a new student organization? Contact Natasha Carlton, Associate Director of Student Advising and Activities.

For questions specifically about the Student Bar Association, please contact Dean Brian Burton, SBA Advisor.

The Student Bar Association (SBA) is the official student government of the S.J. Quinney College of Law. The SBA is the voice for the student body, which can affect policies regarding curriculum, grades, class and exam scheduling, legal clinics, and so on. They also serve as the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) and elected student government of the College of Law. As voting members of the College Council, SBA Board members serve as representatives of the student body to the law school faculty and administration. The SBA participates in faculty retention, promotion, and tenure evaluations. The SBA also sponsors social events, philanthropies, and other activities to build wellness and belong among the student body.
Constitution of the University of Utah S. J. Quinney College of Law Student Bar Association
We the students of the S. J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah, in order to promote shared governance on campus; further enrich the professional and social interests of students while attending law school; further scholastic attainment; promote understanding among faculty, students, and alumni; coordinate activities of the law school community; provide a forum for student concerns; cooperate with national, state, and local bar associations, and with other law school students through the American Bar Association Law Student Division; and participate in the activities of the American Law Student Association, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the University of Utah Student Bar Association.
§ 1. The name of this body shall be the University of Utah Student Bar Association and will appear hereafter as SBA.
§ 2. SBA shall serve as the Student Advisory Council (SAC) for the S. J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah.
§ 1. Authority is established and power is granted to SBA by the Board of Trustees of the University of Utah, the Board of Trustees of the S. J. Quinney College of Law, and the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU).
§ 1. Membership rights and privileges shall be granted to:
- A. all dues paying law students currently registered for at least five (5) semester credit hours or half-time enrollment at the S. J. Quinney College of Law;
- B. the Dean of Students as an ex officio member; and,
- C. honorary members that have made an outstanding contribution to the SBA or the S. J. Quinney College of Law community.
§ 2. All members of the SBA are required to pay membership dues which:
- A. shall be approved by the SBA Executive Council and submitted to the Dean of Students in the Spring Semester prior to fall enrollment;
- B. may be waived upon:
- (1) submission of an individual, written appeal that details the reasons for the proposed waiver; and,
- (2) approval by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all votes cast by the members of the SBA Executive Council;
- C. shall not apply to:
- (1) ex officio members; and,
- (2) honorary members.
§ 3. Membership rights of any kind shall not be denied to any person on the basis of sex, race, ethnic origin, religion, physical disability, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation.
§ 1. Meetings of the general membership of SBA shall be called and chaired by the President:
- A. at his/her discretion in order to:
- (1) discuss proposed rules, policies, constitutional changes, etc.;
- (2) provide a forum for student members to express concerns, questions, or grievances;
- (3) vote on issues affecting the SBA, the College of Law, or law students in general;
- B. upon submission of a written petition that:
- (1) explicitly states the purpose for which the meeting will be called;
- (2) is signed by no less than ten (10) student members; and,
- (3) provides members with no less that twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to the start of the meeting;
§ 2. Meeting of the general membership shall be:
- A. conducted according to Robert’s Rule of Order, Newly Revised; and,
- B. in accordance with the “Open and Public Meetings Act” (Utah Code Ann. § 52-4-101) where relevant.
§ 1. All governing powers of the SBA shall be vested in the SBA Executive Council.
§ 2. The SBA Executive Council shall be composed of:
- A. the President;
- B. the Vice President;
- C. the Secretary;
- D. the Public Relations Director;
- E. the Social Activities Director;
- F. the Third Year (3L) Representative;
- G. the Second Year (2L) Representative; and,
- H. the First Year (1L) Representative.
§ 3. Members of the SBA Executive Council shall:
- A. academically:
- (1) be registered for at least five (5) semester hours or half-time enrollment at the S. J. Quinney College of Law;
- (2) have and maintain a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.00 or above;
- (3) be in good standing;
- B. meet at least two (2) times each month during the regular academic calendar;
- C. have the power to:
- (1) represent and vote on all issues brought before the Executive Council according to the interests of their constituency;
- (2) debate and ratify appointments by the President;
- (3) debate and ratify any organizational charter, constitution or by-law subordinate thereof;
- (4) debate and ratify rules, legislation, and questions of interpretation brought before the Council;
- (5) debate and approve the proposals of SBA committees;
- (6) debate and ratify appointments of honorary membership of the SBA;
- (7) serve as a student forum for concerns of the law student body;
- (8) authorize any officer or committee they deem necessary to aid in the functions of the SBA;
- (9) approve, ratify, or otherwise decide upon any actionable item by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all votes cast; and,
- (10) overturn, by a super majority vote, of two-thirds (2/3) of all ballots cast, any measure previously passed.
§ 4. The President shall:
- A. have the academic standing of an incoming third-year (3L) law student;
- B. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the members of the SBA;
- C. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- D. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- E. call and chair all meetings of the Executive Council;
- F. serve as member of the law school Board of Trustees;
- G. serve as a voting member of the College Council;
- H. serve as a member of the Barrister’s Committee;
- I. have the power to appoint ad hoc representatives, committee chairs, delegates, or any other officer as needed to carry out the duties of the organization or represent SBA to outside organizations;
- J. delegate subsequent SBA Executive Council members to various committees, councils, and all other functions as needed;
- K. assist the Third-Year (3L) Representative in organizing the graduation dinner and securing the graduation speaker;
- L. oversee the management of the SBA office and its functions;
- M. call and monitor all SBA elections; and,
- N. assist in planning and facilitating SBA activities as needed.
§ 5. The Vice President shall:
- A. have the academic standing of an incoming second-year (2L) law student;
- B. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the student members of SBA;
- C. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- D. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- E. assume the duties and responsibilities of the President, should an absence or vacancy occur;
- F. serve as an ex officio member of the College Council;
- G. oversee solicitations and donations for SBA events;
- H. serve as chair of the Barrister’s Committee;
- I. serve as chair of the “Outstanding Student Award” Committee; and,
- J. assist in planning and facilitating SBA activities as needed.
§ 6. The Secretary shall:
- A. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the members of the SBA;
- B. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- C. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- D. record the minutes of all SBA meetings;
- E. distribute copies of the agenda and any action items needed prior to SBA meetings;
- F. maintain records, membership rosters, minutes, photos, budget reports, electronic documents, the SBA membership directory, and all other SBA materials;
- G. provide monthly reports of the SBA budget;
- H. oversee the SBA budget, and approve and execute all expenditures of SBA;
- I. at his/her discretion, and upon the approval of the Executive Council:
- (1) appoint an SBA Financial Advisor to assist with the coordination of SBA budgets, expenditures, and accounting records;
- (2) select and chair the SBA Budget Committee; and,
- J. assist in planning and facilitating SBA activities as needed.
§ 7. The Public Relations Director shall:
- A. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the members of the SBA;
- B. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- C. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- D. oversee the promotion of all SBA events and activities to students, local media, alumni, and legal community;
- E. decorate and update the SBA bulletin boards around the law school;
- F. organize and facilitate apparel sales;
- G. oversee the SBA website and e-mail account;
- H. oversee all SBA publications;
- I. at his/her discretion, and upon the approval of the Executive Council:
- (1) appoint an SBA Web Master to assist with designing and modifying the SBA website;
- (2) select and chair the SBA Publicity Committee; and,
- J. assist in planning and facilitating SBA activities as needed.
§ 8. The Social Activities Director shall:
- A. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the members of the SBA;
- B. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- C. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- D. serve as the lead organizer for at least one (1) SBA social and assist in planning and organizing all other SBA activities;
- E. serve as vice chair of the Barrister’s Committee;
- F. ensure that photos are taken at all SBA events and major law school events to be displayed at the law school and on the SBA website;
- G. coordinate a community service activity each year;
- H. serve as a liaison between student organizations and SBA;
- I. foster and assist with the coordination of cosponsored activities between SBA and student organizations on campus; and,
- J. delegate responsibilities for the planning and facilitation of SBA activities as needed.
§ 9. The Third-Year (3L) Representative shall:
- A. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the incoming third-year student members of the SBA;
- B. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- C. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- D. represent the interests of third-year students to the faculty, administration, and alumni of the college and within the SBA;
- E. serve as the lead organizer for at least one (1) SBA social or service project;
- F. serve as a voting member of the College Council;
- G. serve as the third-year Barrister’s Committee representative;
- H. serve as lead organizer in planning the graduation dinner and securing graduation speaker;
- I. serve as the student representative on the Young Alumni Board; and,
- J. assist in planning and facilitating SBA activities as needed.
§ 10. The Second-Year (2L) Representative shall:
- A. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the incoming second-year student members of the SBA;
- B. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- C. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- D. represent the interests of second-year students to the faculty, administration, and alumni of the college and within the SBA;
- E. serve as the lead organizer for at least one (1) SBA social or service project;
- F. serve as a voting member of the College Council;
- G. serve as the second-year Barrister’s Committee representative; and,
- H. assist in planning and facilitating SBA activities as needed.
§ 11. The First-Year (1L) Representative shall:
- A. be elected, by a simple majority vote, of fifty (50) percent plus one (1), of all ballots cast by the first-year student members of the SBA;
- B. attend at least fifty (50) percent of all SBA activities;
- C. attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of all meetings of the SBA Executive Council;
- D. represent the interests of first-year students to the faculty, administration, and alumni of the college and within the SBA;
- E. serve as the lead organizer for at least one (1) SBA social or service project;
- F. serve as a voting member of the College Council;
- G. serve as the first-year Barrister’s Committee representative; and,
- H. assist in planning and facilitating SBA activities as needed.
§ 12. Honorary student members of the SBA Executive Council shall include:
- A. the Third Year (3L) Representative to the American Bar Association;
- B. the Second Year (2L) Representative to the American Bar Association;
- C. the First Year (1L) Representative to the American Bar Association;
- D. the College of Law Representative to the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) Assembly; and,
- E. the College of Law Representative to the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) Senate.
§ 13. Honorary student members of the SBA Executive Council:
- A. shall serve voluntarily as ex officio members;
- B. shall fulfill and maintain the individual duties and responsibilities required by their respective organizations; and,
- C. may assume additional responsibilities in assisting with SBA activities and events at the discretion of the SBA President.
§ 1. The SBA Executive Council will have the power to create any committees deemed necessary to carry out the functions of the SBA and the student body of the College of Law.
§ 2. There will be five (5) standing committees of the SBA:
- A. the Elections Committee;
- B. the Barrister’s Committee;
- C. the Outstanding Student Scholarship Committee;
- D. the Budget Committee; and,
- E. the Publicity Committee.
§ 3. The Elections Committee shall:
- A. be chaired by the President unless:
- (1) the President has a clear conflict of interest in the outcome of the election over which he/she is chairing, in whish case, the Dean of Students shall appoint an Elections Chair;
- B. coordinate and oversee the SBA general election which:
- (1) shall be called by the President during the Spring Semester prior to the academic year in which the candidates will serve;
- (2) shall occur no later than the first (1st) of April;
- C. coordinate and oversee any special elections of the SBA which;
- (1) shall be called by the President and approved by the SBA Executive Council; and,
- D. consist of at least two (2) students-at-large to assist in tabulating the election results.
§ 4. The Barrister’s Committee shall:
- A. be chaired by the Vice President with the Social Activities Director serving as vice chair;
- B. oversee, maintain, and develop all assets of the Barrister’s Committee;
- C. plan and coordinate the annual Barrister’s Ball to be held during the Spring Semester for the purpose of bringing together students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, members of the College of Law Board of Trustees, and members of the legal community; and,
- D. raise funds for scholarships, endowments, and other charitable entities to be determined on an annual basis by the members of the committee.
§ 5. The Outstanding Student Scholarship Committee shall:
- A. be chaired by the Vice President;
- B. oversee, maintain, and develop all assets of the Outstanding Student Scholarship Fund;
- C. develop an equitable standard and/or process for the annual selection of Outstanding Student Scholarship recipients; and,
- D. raise funds and solicit donations for the Outstanding Student Scholarship Fund.
§ 6. The Budget Committee shall:
- A. be chaired by the Secretary as needed;
- B. review and analyze the SBA budget and all other SBA accounts and financial procedures;
- C. consider and propose changes to student fees, the SBA budget, and all other SBA accounts and financial procedures to be approved by the SBA Executive Council; and,
- D. consider and investigate financial discrepancies in the SBA budget and all other SBA accounts and financial procedures.
§ 7. The Publicity Committee shall;
- A. be chaired by the Public Relations Director as needed;
- B. oversee and assist with the promotion of all SBA events and activities to students, local media, alumni, and legal community;
- C. oversee, maintain, and develop the production of all SBA publications and materials including:
- (1) College of Law apparel;
- (2) the SBA website; and,
- (3) the SBA newsletter;
§ 1. The SBA Executive Council shall have the power to adopt By-Laws as deemed necessary to carry out the functions of the organization.
§ 2. Any SBA By-Law may be enacted, amended, or repealed by a simple majority vote of fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of the SBA Executive Council.
§ 1. Vacancies in the office of the President will be filled by the Vice President.
§ 2. Vacancies in all offices other than the office of the President will be filled by appointment from the President and upon the approval of a majority vote of fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of all votes cast by the SBA Executive Council.
§ 3. Any member of the SBA Executive Council may resign for any reason and shall automatically be removed from office upon submission of a written letter of resignation to the Executive Council and the Dean of Students.
§ 4. Any member of the SBA Executive Council may be removed by recall or impeachment upon direct violation of this Constitution.
§ 5. A recall vote to remove any elected SBA officer:
- A. will be held if twenty- five (25) percent of the officer’s total number of constituents sign a petition for recall;
- (1) the petition must be received and verified by the Dean of Students;
- (2) copies of the petition and signatures are delivered to the contested officer and the SBA Executive Council;
- B. be held by special election within ten (10) working days of verification of the petition for the contested position(s); and,
- C. shall require a super-majority vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all ballots cast in the recall election.
§ 6. Impeachment and removal of an SBA officer will be sustained if:
- A. an action calling for an impeachment hearing is approved by a majority vote of fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of the SBA Executive Council;
- B. a super majority vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all votes cast are in favor of impeachment following an impeachment hearing conducted in the following manner:
- (1) the trial shall be chaired by the Dean of Students;
- (2) the jury composed of the remaining members of the SBA Executive Council and one student-at-large from each class selected by the Dean of Students;
- (3) the prosecution shall be brought by a student member of the SBA appointed by the Dean of Students; and,
- (4) the officer on trial shall have the option of a pro se defense or he/she may seek counsel from a student or faculty member.
§ 7. Any person acquitted of wrongdoing by lack of proper majority, shall not, for the same offense, be otherwise re-examined by any proceedings enumerated in this Constitution.
§ 8. Any impeachment, resulting from an unfair trial may be appealed to the Dean of Students for a new trial.
§ 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed:
- A. through legislation from the SBA Executive Council; or,
- B. by petition signed by twenty-five (25) percent of the student members of SBA.
§ 2. Proposed amendments to this constitution will be adopted by a super majority vote, of two-thirds (2/3) of all ballots cast by the student members of SBA.
§ 3. Neither the SBA nor any body subordinate thereof, may enact any rules, policies or procedures inconsistent with this Constitution.

The ASUU (Associated Students of the University of Utah) Student Government, much like the United States federal government, consists of an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch. These branches work together to accomplish the varied functions of ASUU to serve the student body as effectively as possible.