College of Law

Home Office of Student Affairs ULaw Student Organization Communications

Campus Connect

Your RSO's Campus Connect Profile
After completing the registration training with the SLI and receiving confirmation of your organization's official recognition as an RSO, you will be granted access to your organization's profile on Campus Connect.

Managing Your Organization’s Campus Connect Page
Each organization can manage their organization’s profile on Campus Connect, but you must have manager access. SLI or others who currently have manager access can give certain manager permissions to other organization members on the roster page. To manage your organization’s profile, TBA.

Managing Your Organization’s Roster in Campus Connect



Emailing ULaw students

To promote your events, we have implemented the law student announcements and organization events listserv/group. All students have been added to this group, with the option to opt out or opt back in at any time. Please reserve the use of this listserv/group solely for event invitations intended for all students. If your event is exclusive to your members, communicate directly via individual emails or through your Campus Connect. organization’s profile page.

How to use the Law Student Announcements and Organization Events listserv/group:

  1. Open your student email in Outlook.
  2. In the Bcc line, copy and paste or type Law Student Announcements and Organization Events.
    • Bcc will prevent recipients from being able to reply all



  • Emailing the "LAW Class of XXXX" listservs/groups is strictly prohibited. These channels are reserved solely for administrative purposes (with the exception of the Student Bar Association, as they are a sponsored organization), including communicating degree requirements, bar exam information, course scheduling, scholarships, and building updates. We have received numerous complaints from students about unsolicited emails from organizations they are not affiliated with, prompting this policy clarification.

    Additionally, you must adhere to campus-wide guidelines: Using student listservs within your college/department for event promotions is not permitted. Violating this policy will result in a warning, followed by a meeting to discuss your organization's privileges within the College of Law.

  • If there is a possibility that your student organization has been deactivated, please contact the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement at In case of no response within 3-5 business days, please send a follow-up email and Cc Natasha Carlton, Associate Director of Student Advising & Activities.