Natural Resources Law Forum 2023-24 Activities

Feb 29, 2024 | Stegner Center

The Natural Resources Law Forum has enjoyed a productive year of events and community-building, with the goal of helping students network and learn about the natural resources and environmental law fields. In the fall, upper class NRLF members took our new 1Ls on a hike to show them Salt Lake’s beautiful mountains and welcome them to SJQ.  We also hosted a natural resource and environmental law career panel lunch with attorneys from nonprofits, law firms, government, and clinical teaching for over 40 students to learn more about many available career paths.

In the spring, NRLF members and students from the Great Salt Lake Policy Accelerator attended a save our Great Salt Lake rally as a community engagement project to show support for the beloved lake. We have been meeting for Stegner Center green bag lunches throughout the year, which culminated in attending the Alternative Energy: Building a Bright Future Symposium to network and discuss the informative talks. As soon as the snow cleared, we hosted a plant swap lunch with students and professors, giving us all the opportunity to meet professors teaching environmental law classes next year and share class tips. The NRLF team has otherwise collected and passed along internship, clerkship, and job opportunities to its members and focused on creating community within SJQ.

The NRLF board thanks every professor, staff member, attorney and community member who has supported its programming this year and cannot wait to see what next year has in store!