Mitch Longson and Kate Tipple, both 3Ls, have been awarded scholarships from the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation for the 2014-2015 academic year. The scholarships cover full or partial tuition and are awarded based in part on a student’s interest in pursing a career in natural resources law.
Tipple believes her background and strong interest in water resources, as well as her involvement beyond the classroom, helped her application. “I already have a master’s degree in water resources management and I am a member of the Utah Women of Water. At the College of Law I have focused a lot of my studies on natural resources law. As a 1L I became involved with the Natural Resources Law Forum and attended RMMLF events hosted at the school. As a 2L I took Environmental Law, Water Law, Administrative Law, Climate Change Seminar, Environmental Conflict Resolution, and I served as the President of the Natural Resources Law Forum. I really enjoy focusing my academics on water resources law and I have had strong mentors at the College of Law who have helped me become engaged in the professional community even as a student.”
Longson agrees, noting that, “Several opportunities available through the College of Law no doubt helped to distinguish my application. Numerous class offerings in environmental and natural resource law, the Environmental and Natural Resource Law Certificate, research opportunities with professors, involvement with the Natural Resources Law Forum, and the Environmental and Natural Resources Issue of the Utah Law Review are just a few of the College of Law’s offerings that helped make my application competitive.”
Tipple and Longson are among 34 scholarship recipients out of the 102 applications that the Foundation received from its 30 constituent law schools.