Circulation Policies:
The Faust Law Library is a member of the University of Utah library system. Students, faculty, and staff of the University of Utah are permitted to borrow materials at Faust Law Library using their uCard.
- Available to Alumni of the SJ Quinney College of Law and members of the Utah State Bar who hold a current, government-issued ID;
- Free Library Permits allow a maximum of 5 concurrent checkouts.
- Renewals, recalls, and holds are not available.
- Interlibrary Loan services and equipment checkout are not available. Items on reserve may be used onsite but cannot be checked out.
- Due to the license agreements Faust Law Library has negotiated with vendors and publishers, some of the databases, online journals and electronic books offered by the Faust Law Library are only available to current SJ Quinney College of Law students, staff and faculty. For more information on what resources might be available to you, please refer to our A-Z databases page.
- Failure to timely return materials checked out from the library will result in fines and may result in revocation of the Free Library Permit. The failure to timely pay library fees may result in referral to a collection agency. In such circumstances, the patron will be responsible for all fines incurred as well as all costs to collect the unpaid fines, including attorney's fees.
- Many items in our collection do not circulate. Before purchasing an expanded permit, contact to determine if the material you wish to check out circulates.
- An Expanded Library Permit allows patrons to have a maximum of 40 total items checked out.
- An Expanded Library Permit allows a maximum of 2 renewals per item.
- Interlibrary loan services are available to members of the Utah State Bar who are our Extended Permit Holders (Faust Law Library only).
- Equipment checkout is not available. Items on reserve may be used onsite but cannot be checked out.
- Recalls and holds are not available.
- Due to the license agreements Faust Law Library has negotiated with vendors and publishers, some of the databases, online journals and electronic books offered by the Faust Law Library are only available to current SJ Quinney College of Law students, staff and faculty. For more information on what resources might be available to you, please refer to our A-Z databases page.
Failure to timely return materials checked out from the library will result in fines and may result in revocation of the Expanded Permit. The failure to timely pay library fees may result in referral to a collection agency. In such circumstances, the patron will be responsible for all fines incurred as well as all costs to collect the unpaid fines, including attorney's fees.
Circulating library materials may be checked out at the Level 1 or Level 2 service desks. Students and faculty can use the self-checkout machine located on Level 1.
Most books, journals, documents and bound materials circulate for 120 days to University of Utah faculty, students, staff and Library Permit holders. Items held in reserve may have a loan period as short as 2 hours. If you have a question about the circulation period for a particular item, check the library catalog or inquire at any service desk.
Please be aware that when materials are recalled, the loan will be shortened to 14 days. The new due date will be noted on the recall notice sent to your email. Items may be recalled at any time so items should be returned prior to travel.
If an item is more than 30 days overdue, it is considered "lost." Replacement fees for lost items are as follows:
- Current cost to replace the item
- $10 Processing Fee
Alternately, you may purchase a replacement copy if it is in good condition and the same edition as the lost copy. Replacement charges will be waived, and processing fees reduced if you choose this option. If the item is returned after 30 days, only the processing fee will apply.
If you have questions about fines or replacement fees for books, please contact
- You are responsible for all materials checked out on your ID and any fees or damages incurred until the item is returned.
- ID cards and responsibility are not transferable; do not loan your ID or borrowed items to others. Also, do not depend on others to return items for you.
- Unpaid library fines will result in holds placed on student records (if applicable).
- Patrons with $50 or more in fines are not permitted to circulate items.
- Report a stolen or lost ID immediately to the Ucard Services 801-581-CARD. Also, report it to the Marriott Library Protection Services at 801-581-8558.
- It is the responsibility of the borrower to note the time or date that their materials are due. Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy. Failure to receive these notices does not remove the borrower's obligation to return material by the due date, nor does it constitute grounds for reducing a borrower's fines.
- Please be aware that when materials are recalled the loan will be shortened. The new due date is noted on the recall notice. Items may be recalled at any time, and thus it is recommended that items should be returned prior to travel.
- If you receive overdue notices for materials that you believe have been returned, contact the library at