Finding & Checking Out Materials
Use the library catalog to see if the book or other material you need is available at the Faust Law Library or one of the other campus libraries. The catalog searches both print and electronic databases. College of Law community members should retrieve books they need from library shelves. If a book is missing or you are having trouble locating it, stop by the service desk on level one or two for assistance.
Please remember to check the books out at the desk on level one or two or via email (send a picture of the title page and bar code from your University email account). Email checkout is only available for College of Law students, faculty, and staff.
Placing a Hold or Requesting a Book from Another Library
If you need a book that is checked out or located at another campus library, login to your library account to request the book. To do this, pull up the library catalog. Click ‘log in’ at the top of the webpage. Your login information is your UNID and password. You will also use DUO authentication. Once you are logged in, you will have the option to request a book from the catalog record. You will receive an email from the library when your book is available for pickup.
Books SHOULD NOT be reshelved. Please leave unwanted materials on tables or bring them to the service desk on level one or two. There are also book drops located on levels four and five.
All materials are subject to recall. Borrowers are assured a minimum fourteen day check out privilege for most items. The new due date is noted on the recall notice sent to your email. Fines accrue the first day the item is overdue and will accrue until the item is returned. Computer generated recall notices based on these calculations will be emailed to the borrower.
General Collection items with a 120-day checkout period are automatically renewed unless it is recalled. You will receive a renewal notice. It is the responsibility of the borrower to be aware of due dates.
Loan Periods & Fines
Please see our circulation policy for information on loan periods and fines for overdue, damaged, or lost items.
Circulation Policy
Other Circulation Services:
Searches may be placed for books that are not checked out but cannot be found on the shelf. Library users may obtain a list of books currently checked out to them by logging in to their library account or asking at one of the service desks.
Patrons will receive an email return receipt once items are returned at the service desk.
Lost and found items will be held at the service desk on level one for approximately one month before being turned over to the university lost and found.