Dear alumni and friends,
I'm excited to present the Winter 2025 issue of Res Gestae, featuring Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert ('05), Clinical Professor Jensie Anderson ('93), and Attorney Steve Clyde ('75). All three alums spoke about their passion for serving others, both through environmental work and volunteer efforts with underserved populations. In fact, Gellert's connection with Anderson years ago while helping those experiencing homelessness was one of his catalysts for attending law school.
Our students are also committed to service and are currently finishing the Utah Bar's Pro Bono Challenge, recording the hours they served their communities in February through pro bono work—and this year, the Utah Bar invited alumni to supervise these efforts and join the challenge. We're grateful to have a close-knit alumni group who frequently volunteers with our Pro Bono Initiative legal sites throughout the Salt Lake valley.
The winter/spring semester is always a busy time at the College of Law, and we hope to see you at our two upcoming signature events: the annual William H. Leary Lecture on March 4 and the Wallace Stegner Center Symposium on March 20-21.
We're also looking forward to celebrating your accomplishments at the Utah Law Alumni Awards on April 11 and honoring class members who graduated from Utah Law at least 50 years ago at the Golden Gavel Society event on April 12. Some of those who celebrated at last year's inaugural luncheon are no longer with us, and we remember them in the annual In Memoriam section.
I've been part of the Utah Law community for nearly two years, and I enjoy meeting you—often virtually—and writing about the incredible ways you use your law degrees to make the world a better place. I also love reading the accomplishments you submit to Class Notes, published each fall.
Thank you for sharing your stories with me and for continuing to support the College of Law. If you have ideas for future issues, please email the communications team at any time.
Lindsay Wilcox
Res Gestae editor