DISCLAIMER: The following notice does not affect any existing committed scholarships. However, there is potential that the scholarships, fellowships, and awards listed below may be affected by the 2025 legislative session. At the conclusion of the session, the College will evaluate the outcome and make the appropriate changes to the language associated with the list below. Students should know that the criteria may change significantly and should not rely on this information in the interim.
Please direct any questions to lawfinancialaid@law.utah.edu.
The Top 10% Scholarship is awarded to students whose cumulative GPA at the end of the academic year places them in the top 10% of their class and who have not received scholarships or fellowships that include tuition benefits. It was established to ensure students performing in the top 10% of their class are recognized for this academic excellence if they aren't receiving other scholarships or fellowships.
Cash award applied to fall tuition
Fall semester tution benefit
All students are eligible.
Application requirements and selection
There is no application. Scholarships are awarded automatically.