Water Through a Cultural Lens Webinar
DATE: Tuesday, October 25 2022
TIME: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST
LOCATION: Virtual Event
An Indigenous Women’s Leadership Network event
For many Native American tribes, water is sacred. Traditional teachings often include a responsibility to protect the water, where all life comes from. Join us for a discussion on how we can honor our traditions in the face of climate change and other increasing demands on this precious and limited resource.
This event is part of a leadership skills and professional development series presented by the Indigenous Women’s Leadership Network.
Linda Otero is a member and former tribal leader of the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe. Linda currently serves a director of the Pipa Aha Macav Cultural Center in Mohave, California.
Nora McDowell is an enrolled citizen of the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe. She was born and raised on the Fort Mojave Indian reservation located in Needles, California. Ms. McDowell has committed over 45 years to tribal government, starting her career in 1975 as a clerk for the Manpower program and working her way up to Tribal Council Secretary/Administrative Assistant in 1980. Her interest in tribal politics began with her first tribal council campaign and election in 1981, when she began her first four year term at the age of 24. She is proud to have served on the tribal council and tribal community to this day. As Fort Mojave Tribal Chairperson, Ms. McDowell’s leadership has been instrumental in forging many economic projects for the tribe. Ms. McDowell felt it necessary for the Tribe to achieve total tribal self-sufficiency and to exercise its sovereign rights. Her belief and the then standing council was that it was incumbent of the tribal government to take over all of its operations and infrastructure services on reservation. Thus began a long process of numerous legal workings and administrative duties to accomplish that goal. The Tribe provides all utilities on its reservation lands located in three states, California, Arizona and Nevada (Telecommunications, Water, Sewer, and Electric services). Ms. McDowell has been recognized by many Native American organizations for her leadership and service. Currently, she serves as Project Manager for the AhaMakav Cultural Center and oversees a hazardous waste cleanup at the Pacific Gas & Electric Compressor Station, which is a known sacred site area of the Mojave people. Ms. McDowell sits on the Cal EPA Tribal Advisory Board and Water & Tribes Initiative working group on the Colorado River. She is also Co-Chair of the Indigenous Women’s Leadership Network, Member of the Colorado River Tribal Vision Group, Greenaction Board Member, and founding Board Member of WEWIN—Women Empowering Women for Indian Nations. Ms. McDowell is the proud mother of 3 children and Grandmother to 11 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter. She resides within the Fort Mojave Indian reservation in Mohave Valley.
For questions about this event email events@law.utah.edu.
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