Alumni Reunion Weekend 2022
DATE: Friday, May 20 2022 - Saturday, May 21 2022
TIME: 9:30 am - 8:00 pm MST
LOCATION: College of Law
COST: $20-105
Join your fellow ULaw alumni for this inaugural alumni weekend. Come catch up and network with your classmates, as well as your friends from other classes. There will be CLE opportunities, outdoor activities, a spring time picnic, activities for families and kids, plus our annual alumni dinner in which a few of SJQ’s outstanding alumni will receive awards. Don’t miss it!
Help us spread the word! Please share this webpage with your ULaw alumni friends and coworkers.
Alumni Award Recipients
Dinner: $75/person
Picnic: $30/adult, $20/child
Friday, May 20
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Classes without grades. Free CLE taught by ULaw professors (see lecture descriptions below the agenda).
9:30-10:30 a.m. Classes
Judges in Lawyerless Courts
Taught by Professor Anna Carpenter
The Genome Defense – Inside the Lawsuit That Ended Gene Patenting in America
Taught by Professor Jorge Contreras
Knitting Together: Rule 14 and Interviewing Clients with Intellectual Disabilities
Taught by Professor Leslie Francis
11:00 – 12:00 p.m. Classes
Crime Victims Rights
Taught by Professor Paul Cassell
Freedom of the Press and the U.S. Supreme Court
Taught by Professor RonNell Andersen Jones
The Rights of Nature Movement and Tribes
Taught by Dean Elizabeth Kronk Warner
5:00 p.m. – Alumni Awards announcements, ULaw highlights and class receptions for all ULaw graduates
Saturday, May 21
9:00 a.m. – Pickleball tournament and other games
12:00 p.m. – Picnic/bbq for all alumni and their families
*In the event of inclement weather all outdoor festivities will be moved to the S.J. Quinney College of Law
CLE Lecture Descriptions:
Judges in Lawyerless Courts – This CLE will discuss, among other things, the institutional mismatch between State Civil Courts.
“The Genome Defense – Inside the Lawsuit that Ended Gene Patenting in America”? – In 2013, the US Supreme Court decided Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, which ended the decades-old practice of patenting human genes. The case, brought by the ACLU, involved both the University of Utah and university spinoff company Myriad Genetics, and concerned patents that Myriad held on the BRCA genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer. In his new book, The Genome Defense, Professor Jorge Contreras brings this landmark case to life through interviews with nearly one hundred advocates, attorneys, scientists, physicians, patients and government officials and a fast-paced narrative that reads like a legal thriller. The book has been praised by news and media outlets from the New York Times and Wall St. Journal to Nature and Law360. Written for a general audience, Contreras succinctly explains how science and health policy collided with the biopharma industry in one of the most dramatic legal battles of the decade.
Knitting together: Rule 1.14 and interviewing clients with intellectual disabilities – An experienced knitter will share her tips about knitting and discuss how to use crafts to establish communication with clients with cognitive disabilities.
Crime Victims Rights – Details coming soon
Freedom of the Press and the U.S. Supreme Court – A discussion of the Roberts Courts’ attitudes on press freedom, key developments in constitutional law as it impacts news gatherers, and what might be on the horizon as the Court considers doctrinal adjustments in response to the changing media landscape.
The Rights of Nature Movement and Tribes – Details coming soon
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The S.J. Quinney College of Law is pleased to provide free CLE opportunities for attorneys. All donations welcome to support our programs.