Alumni Board of Trustees
The mission of the S.J. Quinney College of Law Alumni Board of Trustees is to foster a lifelong relationship between the college and its alumni that will provide meaningful contributions to the college and enrich the professional lives of its alumni.
Board of Trustees Officers
Stephanie L. Warner, President
Alexander R. Dahl, Past President
Robert O. Rice, President Elect
Board Responsibilities
Annual Alumni Events: The law school holds an annual spring alumni event to recognize outstanding alumni and present awards to distinguished alumni.
Fundraising: Members organize and participate in fundraising events for the College of Law.
Advocacy: The board is charged with advocating for the S.J. Quinney College of Law within their circles of influence in the community.
2024-2025 Board of Trustees
Lowell C. Brown
Arent Fox, LLP
(213) 443-7516
Alexander R. Dahl
Strategic Policy Counsel, PLLC
(202) 774-1571
Blakely Denny
Intercap Lending
(801) 712-1343
Denise A. Dragoo
Snell & Wilmer, LLP
(801) 257-1998
Matthew M. Durham
Dorsey & Whitney
(801) 578-9984
Dianna M. Gibson
Third District Court
(801) 233-9766
Tyler R. Green
Consovoy McCarthy, PLLC
(202) 664-0166
Tonia Hashimoto
Adobe Systems Inc.
(385) 345-2181
Robert D. Haws
Gust Rosenfeld P.L.C.
(602) 257-7976
John Huber
Greenberg Traurig LLP
(801) 478-6915
Curtis M. Jensen
Snow Jensen & Reece, PC
(435) 215-4960
Christina M. Jepson
Parson Behle & Latimer, PLC
(801) 536-6820
Jessica L. Lowrey
Veris Wealth Partners
(212) 349-4172
Scott Mayeda
REH Company
(801) 524-2752
Charlotte L. Miller
Salt Lake Legal Defender Association
(801) 712-4414
Anne Morgan
United States District Court for the District of Utah
Michael L. Mower
Office of the Governor
(801) 538-1924
Robert O. Rice
Ray Quinney & Nebeker, PC
(801) 323-3352
Nicole Salazar-Hall
Parsons Behle & Latimer, PLC
(801) 536-6803
Scott C. Sandberg
Spencer Fane
(303) 839-3723
Engels Tejeda
Holland & Hart, LLP
(801) 799-5851
Sadé A. Turner
Strong & Hanni, PC
(801) 532-7080
Stephanie L. Warner
Stephanie Warner Law, PLLC
(385) 345-1865
Elizabeth Kronk Warner
Dean and Professor of Law
(801) 581-6571
Teneille Brown
Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development
(801) 581-5883
Brian Burton
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
(801) 581-4032
Callie Canlas
Executive Assistant to the Dean
(801) 213-8752
Louisa Heiny
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
(801) 587-0214
Lexie Kite
Senior Director of Development and Alumni Relations
(801) 585-5500
Seth LaPray
2023-24 SBA President
Trent Lowe
2024-25 Young Alumni Association President
Violet Maw
Development Officer
(801) 581-6679
Jason Owen
Assistant Dean for Admission and Financial Aid
Henry Randolph
Director of Marketing
(801) 587-0240
Arturo Thompson
Assistant Dean, Career Development Office
(801) 581-8700