Paulina Barboza and Seth LaPray featured in Humans of the U

Jul 26, 2024 | Students

Paulina Barboza, a young Hispanic woman with long brown hair and brown eyes, and Seth LaPray, a young white man with blonde hair and blue eyesRising 3Ls Paulina Barboza and Seth LaPray were recently featured in the University of Utah’s @theU series Humans of the U.

Barboza wants to focus her career on victims’ rights and is currently working in criminal appeals in the Utah Attorney General’s Office.

“I have achieved my goals by focusing on taking things step-by-step, rather than worrying about the big picture,” Barboza said. “I think sometimes people stop their dreams because they worry about what fulfilling them will require. But I try to just worry about what I need to do tomorrow, and then it all comes together in the end.”

Read Barboza’s article.

LaPray taught high school for one year in his small Texas hometown and also ran for mayor before deciding law school would allow him to gain more skills and resources necessary to help other people.

“I am starting my third year of law school this fall and will be serving as the Student Bar Association (SBA) president…In my perspective, there are two important things SBA does. First, we are able to advocate for students in a way where the administration is more likely to listen. Second, we help with building community in our graduate program. I really enjoy being a part of hosting fun events that bring people from different backgrounds together so that they can connect with one another,” LaPray said.

Read LaPray’s article.