Recent Highlights Include:
- My forthcoming book, The Genome Defense (New York: Algonquin, 2021) details the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, which ended the practice of gene patenting in America.
- Jorge L. Contreras, The Open COVID Pledge: Design, Implementation and Preliminary Assessment of an Intellectual Property Commons, 2021 Utah L. Rev. (forthcoming)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Michael Eisen, Ariel Ganz, Mark Lemley, Jenny Molloy, Diane M. Peters, Frank Tietze, Pledging Intellectual Property for Covid-19, 38 Nature Biotech. 1146-50 (2020)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics: A Critical Reassessment, 27 Mich. Tech. L. Rev. 1 (2020)
- Christi J. Guerrini & Jorge L. Contreras, Credit for and Control of Research Outputs in Genomic Citizen Science, 21 Annual Rev. Genomics & Human Genetics 465-81 (2020)
- Jorge L. Contreras, The False Promise of Health Data Ownership, 94(4) N.Y.U. L. Rev. 624-661 (2019)
- Luis Gil Abinader & Jorge L. Contreras, The Patentability of Genetic Therapies: CAR-T and Medical Treatment Exclusions Around The World, 34 Am. U. Intl. L.J. 705-762 (2019)
- Jorge L. Contreras & Bartha M. Knoppers, The Genomic Commons, 19 Ann. Rev. Genomics & Human Genetics 429-453 (2018)
- Jorge L. Contreras, The Anticommons at 20: Concerns for Research Continue, 361 Science 335-337 (2018)
- Jorge L. Contreras & Jacob S. Sherkow, CRISPR, surrogate licensing, and scientific discovery, 355 Science 698-700 (2017)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Genetic Property, 105(1) Geo. L.J. 1-54 (2016)
- Jorge L. Contreras & Liza Vertinsky, Pre-Competition, 95(1) N.C. L. Rev. 67-131 (2016)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Narratives of Gene Patenting, 43(4) Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 1133-1199 (2016)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Patent Pledges, 47(3) Ariz. St. L.J. 543-608 (2015)
- Jorge L. Contreras, NIH’s Genomic Data Sharing Policy: Timing and Tradeoffs, 31 Trends In Genetics 55-57 (2015)
- Jorge L. Contreras & Jerome H. Reichman, Sharing by Design: Data and Decentralized Commons, 350 Science 1312-1314 (2015)
- Arthur L. Holden, Jorge L. Contreras, Sally John & Matthew R. Nelson, The International Serious Adverse Events Consortium, 13 Nature Rev. Drug Discovery 795 (2014)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Bermuda’s Legacy: Patents, Policy and the Design of the Genome Commons, 12(1) Minn. J.L., Sci. & Tech. 61-125 (2011)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Public Health versus Personal Liberty: The Uneasy Case for Individual Detention, Isolation and Quarantine, 7 SciTech Lawyer 6, Spr. 2011
- Jorge L. Contreras, Data Sharing, Latency Variables and Science Commons, 25 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1601-72 (2010)
- Jorge L. Contreras, Prepublication Data Release, Latency, and Genome Commons, 329 Science 393-394 (2010)
I regularly blog at Harvard’s Bill of Health and